Deponia Init Failed Could Not Load Game

Deponia Init Failed Could Not Load Game 3,8/5 5457 votes

When i start my game, i got a windows 'Init Failed', and they say: 'Init failed, could not load game. There is no game file or the game file is corrupted. For more info view messages.log.'

This is the messages.log: '01:19:48: Error: GLEW initialization error: 01:19:48: Error: Missing GL version 01:19:48: Error: problem with initialization of graphics interface: Invalid renderer 01:19:48: Error: Make sure graphics driver is up-to-date. If this does not work disabling wide-screen support could help. 01:19:48: Error: Unable to open screen surface. 01:19:48: Error: Init failed, could not load game' And my config: -Intel(R) HD Graphics 4000 -I5-3230M CPU @ 2.60GHz -4 Go -Windows 7 Pro 64 bits. I already uninstall my game. I have finished the first game 'Deponia' without bug. Thx for help.

Hi everyone, I'm actually working on QT5.9 and have this error: this application failed to start because it could not find or load the qt platform plugin 'windows' in '. I tried all the answer i could find on other forums but none worked The thing is, when i launch the.exe from the computer that generated it, it's working but if i change computer i have this error. Can someone help me for this i cant find a relevant solution. I already tried to include platforms qwindows.dll in my.exe location Thanks for reading this topic. This was a big problem for us. In the end it was easy to fix but took several hours, and really should not have, if the error output had been more detailed. Background: The previous apps were built using QT5.1.

Only after QT5.8 did things change / break. Win10Pro-64 machine. What I found: • Qt5Core.dll was previously referring to an absolute path on my machine, for dependencies, namely plugins platforms qwindows.dll. This worked on mine and another Qt dev colleague's machines because we had Qt5.8 installed with default locations (same absolute path). On other machines the 'this application failed to start because it could not find or load the qt platform plugin 'windows' in '.' Message would show up.

I am getting this error collection1: org.apache.solr.common.SolrException:org.apache.solr.common.SolrException: Could not load conf for core collection1: Plugin init. Unfortunately, the installation data of our older game's retail versions for Mac (The Whispered World, Deponia The Complete Journey, Blackguards 1+2, Anna's Quest, The Night of the Rabbit, Munin) can't be read by the latest Mac OS X Sierra 10.10.5.

• Modifying Qt5Core.dll to remove the absolute path (using windeploy) made the dependencies path. Robyn hitchcock queen elvis rar. (relative/current path). Doing this broke the apps running on my dev machine. • The reason it broke is that Qt5Core.dll was looking for qwindows.dll in. Plugins platforms instead of.

Platforms like the previous Qt5.1 apps were. Therefore the fix was to move. Platforms into. Plugins and move the updated qwindows.dll file from the Qt5.8 install dir into it (in my case, C: Qt Qt5.8.0 5.8 mingw53_32 plugins platforms) Nothing like a message box with mostly useless content to help find where the problem is. Perhaps there is room for improvement there, Qt devs?

It's all in the, the whole deployment process is described, and all the many ways in which it can/ should be done. Following that will not break your dev installation, and it will work for users who have no Qt installed, too. Yeah, though, I definitely agree the error message could be more informative - feel free to open a suggestion on Qt bugtracker or mailing list. Ford travelpilot nx download torrent download. I've also just noticed the deployment guide is slightly outdated (still mentions Angle as default config option on Windows, which is not true anymore).

This is a problem that we are experiencing and the problem is quite frustrating. I should be able to through the environment setup process determine which version of the QT library I wish to use like you can do with Visual Studio (.Net 2.0.Net 4.7.) There should also be an addin that would build a deployable application with all of the needed.DLLs without having to spend ANY TIME trying to figure out what you might need. What would be wonderful is if QT had an install feature that would properly install and configure NetBeans, and QT with a simple single package.