Fuji Ga645zi Repair Manual

Fuji Ga645zi Repair Manual 3,7/5 6765 votes

The more I look at this, the more exciting it becomes. One of the biggest drawbacks to MF cameras has always been the complexity of the shooting experience. We all like to fiddle, but its hard to take 10 minutes to setup a shot. The Fuji here seems to streamline a lot of that into a more P&S experience - which isn't necessarily a bad thing - a bit of extra convenience I mean.

35-55 is also a smashing focal length range. It seems big at first flush, but its comparable to the D700 with a prime - and most of the time the D700 is seen in tandem with a 24-70 or some such behemoth. I at first thought you were overstating to say that this was an ideal travel camera, but now I am seeing your point. Less is more sometimes. That is a beautiful camera. I really think Fuji developed some seriously skilled optics from the 80s and into the 90s, and I'd warrant this camera to be a pearl of great price.and extremely light too, considering that we'd been used to Mamiya, Pentax and Bronica, the last of which I found bulky. I remember all these 645s being extremely crisp in ouput, but the Fujis for me had that special zing.

Fujifilm Holdings issues a sustainability report every year to inform stakeholders about the corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities of the Fujifilm group. The report is available as a downloadable pdf format file in English and Japanese.

Delighted for you Matthew! I've heard many times in my life that I've been 'directly responsible' for several things.it is thus a blessing to be told that this is in a good way. Some quick sample photos, all in low light and very roughly edited: Quick, before reading any further: take a guess at the shutter speeds.

All are wide open (f/4.5) at 55mm, for about a 35mm equivalent. And exposed at the film's box speed of iso400. While none of them are crisply detailed, and I wouldn't use these shutter speeds for any image that depends on fine detail for its effect, I find them perfectly acceptable for street scenes where the intent is more evocative than descriptive. The street photo was taken at 1/6s, the fountains is at 1/20s, and the subway is 1/15s. The first two were taken while also holding an umbrella on a windy evening.

Now that's a nice lens: that precision in eliminating distortion is no mean feat. I'm guessing this to be Fuji film stock by the look of the contrast? These must give you a spring to your step, thank you very much for letting us see them. I remember the depth of field thang.really great that one can use apertures smaller than f16 with total trust about IQ but overall it necessitated me learning to focus hyperfocally.

And distance scales too: a retro learning curve, really engendering a trust in the mechanics rather than software. Er.edited.sorry, some of my comment will not make sense, as I just confused this with its earlier ancestor ) Fuji really had it cracked, with their skill in lens and shutter engineering, though I dimly remember that shutters were recommended to have a service at intervals we might find a little insistent nowadays.

Is there an actuations-counter on this by the way? I'm still amazed at the results from the slow shutter speeds. I even looked back at the other few photos that I took that night, to see if I had selected just the sharp ones, and while the rest were even less interesting that these they weren't particularly softer. I can only conclude that it's a combination of the weight of the camera (about a kilogram) combined with the tiny leaf-shutter and lack of a viewing mirror that gives absolutely no vibration. These web-sized images do have the advantage of being tiny; the original scans are about 20MP even after being downsampled in the scanning process. But even when magnified on the screen it's still respectable, and could probably do an 8x10 or 11x14 without any issue with softness. I'll see if I can have some magnified crops to post.

Those first two photos are stunning Matthew. The colour and clarity is superb, and the photographer didn't do a bad job either. I'm really looking forward to seeing more from this little beastie.

Film naruto vs pain full bahasa indonesia. I love the idea of medium format, and I love the idea of compact medium format even more. But I'm yet to stumble across a camera system within my budget that I just can't resist.

I must admit to not researching them as much as I would like to though. Good luck with your new toy. It looks extremely promising so far.

I really MISSSS laksa in general. But last time i came back, saw sooo many 'franchises' of katong laksa. Hmm The GS645 is my own one. The only thing the company does write off are its digital bodies as they RAPIDLY loose value after every year of service: 1d mk II can get for aroudn 2 k usd 8/10 condition now.:cry: But nonetheless. Fuji's rangefinders, especially the GS ones are EXCELLENT little cameras. SHARP like SIAO, small, and easy to use. Job scene in singapore.

Heard quite bad. But gahmen still insist it's good.:think.