Garmin TOPO Espana V5 PRO Unlocked Mapsource

Garmin TOPO Espana V5 PRO Unlocked Mapsource 3,7/5 4153 votes

Garmin Topo Espana V5 Pro Unlocked Mapsource Maps. I try to download the Garmin - Topo Spain v4 - MapSource, part 4, via Share-online but always have the message 'No free slots for free users!' I try to download with Jdownloader2, and the same. Could you help me? Would be nice! Garmin Express Maps and software to manage your devices. Aug 14, 2018 - Garmin TOPO Espana v5 PRO Unlocked mapsource 7 download locations. Garmin TOPO Espana v5 PRO Unlocked.

There are 2 ways to do this that I know of & have used, one is MapSetToolkit & the other is GmapTool, both use cGpsmapper as the map compiler. GmapTool is probably the easiest to explain for this purpose. 1: First get GmapTool & cGpsmapper (free edition). Used to be free, but looks like it has become shareware with 30 day trial. You may have to do some searching to find a free link to it if you don't already have the free version. 2: Unzip & install GmapTool - if you it got from a zipped source.

Best source is 3: Unzip cGpsmapper & put in a folder, where it can live forever, for GmapTool to find. 4: Open GmapTool 5: Go to the options tab & set the path (folder location) for cgpsmapper.exe, at lower part of tab 6: Same tab make sure verbose output & advanced options are ticked. 7: In files tab select add files, select the unlocked map you want to put in mapsource. 8: Select the Split tab, select the Directory for the output files (there will be lots of them), can be anywhere you like. If you don't have an empty folder called say Garmin Topo V5 or anything you like, create one using the output directory (Create a new Directory Button top right) or create it using windows then use Gmaptool to navigate to it. EDIT: this needs to be a permanent location for this folder & it's files. C: Garmin Topo5 or something like that might be a good place to create it.

9: Still in the split tab, Select Create 'files for Mapsource' 10: Tick; Compile preview map. 11: Check all info above is done then Select 'Split all'. 12: You will get a verbose dialog that opens up & shows the process, may take a while for large maps, when it is finished a Cmd prompt will open to say operation successful press any key to continue, (space bar will do) then space bar to close Cmd prompt. You can close GmapTool if you like.

13: You're almost there, now go to the folder that you put the output files in, scroll to bottom & find 'Install.bat' Click on file & it will install the mapset in MapSource. You must be logged in as Admin in windows to do this. 14: Open MapSource & select the Map from your menu & it should be all good. Depending on your current zoom level you may need to zoom in to see the map. Why not just use BaseCamp?

It can see and use any.img file [even locked ones] on a device [or an SD, microSD, usb stick or even a virtual SD on your HDD] and no problems with all search functions either. MapSource is outdated and unsupported now unfortunately.I do use Basecamp, but I want to be able to use the map without it being on an external drive. Installing the map through Mapsource is the easiest way to make it usable through Basecamp in this fashion. Mapsource may be outdated but is still needed for this reason. The rogue element torrent.

Install Basecamp with the Topo mapset as you normally would, Use GarminUnlocker.exe in command line to point directly at the mapset TBD file: c: garminunlocker tbd C: ProgramData etc (file path to tbd file) in the directory the mapset was installed to. Basecamp will stop prompting to unlock maps. Send maps to GPS unit (they are still locked for the GPS unit), Use Jetmouse Keygen to generate unlock code for your GPS unit using it's unit ID, and the mapset ID:3550. Save the key it produces in the Garmin folder in your GPS unit as a text file named: gmapsupp.unl Maps are now unlocked for the GPS unit as well. I doubt you値l lose any functionality that way.