Pygame Draw Dashed Line
Should I use gl.glBegin(GL.GL_LINE_STRIP) and some sine, cosin in it?? The Industry's Foundation for High Performance Graphics from games to virtual reality, mobile phones to supercomputers. Or you can draw it using NURBS. You can not get a perfect circle though. Drawing a smooth circle Check out this. Draw a sequence of lines on a Surface. The pointlist argument is a series of points that are connected by a line. If the closed argument is true an additional line segment is drawn between the first and last points.
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Def drawGraticule(self): 'Renders an empty graticule' # The graticule is divided into 10 columns x 8 rows # Each cell is 50x40 pixels large, with 5 subdivisions per # cell, meaning 10x8 pixels each. You have been successfully subscribed to the Notification List for this product and will therefore receive an e-mail from us when it is back in stock! For security reasons, an e-mail has been sent to you acknowledging your subscription. Please remember that this subscription will not result in you receiving any e-mail from us about anything other than the restocking of this item. If, for any reason, you would like to unsubscribe from the Notification List for this product you will find details of how to do so in the e-mail that has just been sent to you!
Drawing and Animating Shapes with Matplotlib — Nick Charlton • • Posted on March 27, 2013. Tagged with: python,, matplotlib,, animation,, and drawing. As well a being the best Python package for drawing plots, also has impressive primitive drawing capablities. In recent weeks, I’ve been using Matplotlib to provide the visualisations for a set of projects, where we can use rectangles, circles and lines to demonstrate landmarks, robots and paths. Combined with and, this provides a quite capable simulation environment. Note: You should already know how to work with Matplotlib. If you don’t, I suggest either or the.
Primative shapes in Matplotlib are known as patches, and are provided by the patches module. Subclasses of patch provide implementations for Rectangles, Arrows, Ellipses (and then Arcs, Circles) and so on. All of this is part of the API, which also provides support for text. In fact, everything drawn using Matplotlib is part of the artists module. It’s just a different level of access for drawing shapes compared to plots.
Drawing There are multiple ways to write Matplotlib code[^ways]. Whilst I’m using Pyplot in the demonstrations below, the usage is essentially the same. The differences are in how the figure is initialised.
Drawing is a matter of adding the patch to the current figure’s axes, which using Pyplot looks something like this. Dotted_line = plt. Line2D (( 2, 8 ), ( 4, 4 ), lw = 5., ls = '.' , marker = '.'
, markersize = 50, markerfacecolor = 'r', markeredgecolor = 'r', alpha = 0.5 ) plt. Add_line ( dotted_line ) which gives the lower line in Figure 3. Ls defines the line style and marker gives the start and end points. Figure 3: Two Lines Note: If you can’t see the lines and only the end markers: There’s a which stops you seeing straight lines.
You probably can’t see the plot grid lines, either. Polygons are just a series of points connected by lines — allowing you to draw complex shapes. The Polygon patch expects an Nx2 array of points. Points = [[ 2, 4 ], [ 2, 8 ], [ 4, 6 ], [ 6, 8 ]] line = plt. Polygon ( points, closed = None, fill = None, edgecolor = 'r' ) This gives the red line in Figure 4.
Closed stops Matplotlib drawing a line between the first and last lines. Fill is the colour that goes inside the shape, setting this to None removes it and the edgecolor gives the line it’s colour. Figure 4: Polygons Animation The interest here is to move certain shapes around, and in the case of something like a line (which could, for example, represent a path) update its state. Here, I’m going to get a ball to orbit around a central point at a set distance away from it. Import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from matplotlib import animation fig = plt.
Figure () fig. Set_dpi ( 100 ) fig. Set_size_inches ( 7, 6.5 ) ax = plt.
Axes ( xlim = ( 0, 10 ), ylim = ( 0, 10 )) patch = plt. Circle (( 5, - 5 ), 0.75, fc = 'y' ) def init (): patch. Center = ( 5, 5 ) ax. Add_patch ( patch ) return patch, def animate ( i ): x, y = patch. Center x = 5 + 3 * np. Radians ( i )) y = 5 + 3 * np.
Radians ( i )) patch. Center = ( x, y ) return patch, anim = animation. FuncAnimation ( fig, animate, init_func = init, frames = 360, interval = 20, blit = True ) plt. Show () To do this, I’m just using the equation for a point on a circle (but with the sine/ cosine flipped from the typical — this just means it goes around in clockwise), and using the animate function’s i argument to help compute it. This works because I’ve got 360 frames. The init() function serves to setup the plot for animating, whilst the animate function returns the new position of the object. Setting blit=True ensures that only the portions of the image which have changed are updated.