Rencana Program Osis

Rencana Program Osis 5,0/5 7409 votes

Proposal ini kami buat dengan harapan Bapak Pembina OSIS menyetujui rencana kegiatan Batik Competition kami. Semoga Tuhan memberi kelancaran kegiatan Batik Competition tahun ini. Sumberjaya, 25 September 2015. Sekretaris OSIS. ERA DWIJAYANTI. Pembina OSIS.


Kitab tasawuf terjemahan pdf. Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb Honorable to the Principal of 50 VHS, OSIS Builder, all teachers and all my beloved friends. First of all, let’s thank to the Almighty Allah SWT, because of his blessing we are able to be here in a good condition. In this opportunity, i will give a campaign. First, let me introduce myself.

My name is Fajriyati Jamaliyah from grade 10 of Office Administration 2. I was a candidate of the Chairman of Student Organization 2014-2015 period. My vision and mission if i selected as the head of the student organization is: Vision: Making 50 VHS into a good quality, active, innovative, responsible and guided by faith Mission: • Increasing of faith and devotion in God thorugh spiritual guidance and religious activities. • Increasing awareness of the student’s returned the importance of maintaining a school environment • Developing creativity, talents, interests, and potential students through curricular activities, extracurricular and variety of existing organization • Optimize the function of the Student’s Organization and Continuing previous unresolved program • Advancing 50 VHS to better in all areas through all programs and programs that will be made Once again, i hope you’ll choose me as the new Head of the Student’s Organization tomorrow.

So, its a little information of my vision and mission. Thank you and Assalamu’alaikum Wr.