Ikusa Megami Zero Sound Collections

Ikusa Megami Zero Sound Collections 3,9/5 7511 votes

Fresh feature is that we get to choose our university specialization but that usually only affects the ending. Game takes a period of three months and we should take decisions for each day of it. There are 8 heroines and as many as 52 endings (basically each heroine multiplied for each occupation).

Eva prend la couronne du front de Walther pour la poser. La Couronne du Roi kobold (Crown of the Kobold King), Nicolas. La Couronne du roi kobold est une aventure en donjon pour des personnages de niveau 2, compatible avec le jeu de r. La couronne du roi kobold pdf.

Events are placed loosely and there can be the time that there's a whole month without events. Even though the game is called 'love triangle' there is no special emphasis on two main heroines - everyone is equal.

So it's a very painful, cheap, generic game with opening theme being its strongest side.

Ikusa megami zero wiki

Ikusa Megami Zero Sound Collection: track 12 My sword is like a swallow in the flight! Tenbin no La DEA. Sound Collection 天秤のLa DEA。 サウンドコレクション Tenbin no La DEA. Actual odbc driver license key. Sound Collection.